Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

ZIBAY ECOPARC project management

For the COPIL of the ZIBAY ECOPARC project, on going

ecosys is leading the operational phase of the ZIBAY ECOPARC project, an educational journey into the world of industrial ecology.


B Corp consulting

For the company Caragnano SA, ongoing

ecosys – accredited B Leader partner – is assisting the company Caragnano SA in its B-Corp labeling process.

Carbon footprint

For the company Construction Perret SA, ongoing

ecosys carries out the carbon assessment of the company Construction Perret SA and supports it in the evolution of its carbon approach.

Carbon footprint

For the company Viansone SA, ongoing

ecosys is working on the carbon footprint of the company Viansone SA, based on the ABC methodology (Association Bilan Carbone).


Life cycle analysis (LCA) notebook

For the network, 2024

ecosys has written, on behalf of the network, a notebook on the subject of life cycle analyzes (LCA) – available here.

Establishment of a portfolio of sustainability projects

For the industrial land foundation (FTI), 2023

The main objective of the mandate, carried out in partnership with DSS+, is to support the FTI in its desire to take stock and structure its sustainability projects to identify cross-functional projects and ensure their optimal management and monitoring.

PACT’Matière support mandate

For the cantonal office of the environment, the direction of the agglomeration project and the department of employment and the economy, 2024

The general objective of the mandate, carried out in partnership with David Martin, is to support the “Greater Geneva Circular” working group (GGC) in the construction of the PACT’Matière, by prioritizing a series of actions that are both ambitious and achievable.

NDC enhancement and green recovery

For the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2023

The project aims at assessing opportunities to leverage NDC enhancement processes to guide Green Recovery, through an in-depth analysis of existing tools and the formulation of a step-by step guidance framework and supporting web-platform.

Sustainability label inventory

For the Department of Economy and Employment (State of Geneva), 2023

For the Department of Economy and Employment in Geneva (DEE) and with the help of the HEG and the IREG, ecosys is developing an inventory of existing labels in terms of sustainability and CSR, aimed at enabling companies to identify the most suitable options for them.

Workshop – Communal energy and climate plan (PECC)

For the municipality of Crans-Près-Céligny, 2023

On behalf of Bio Eco, ecosys held a participatory citizen workshop on the solar photovoltaic potential of the municipality of Crans, as part of the development of its communal energy and climate plan (PECC).

Solar cooperative project

For the renewable energy and resource efficiency promotion fund (REPIC), ongoing

The project, implemented with Chilean based consulting partner EBP, aims to setup a solar cooperative model in an “energy poverty” area of Chile. The project aims to improve access to renewable energy for vulnerable populations.

Economic and financial potential of the municipal strategy on climate emergency

For the Agenda 21 service and the Department of Finance, Environment and Housing (DFEL) of the City of Geneva, 2022

The purpose of this mandate is to: 1) Estimate the costs of inaction and expected co-benefits of the key measures provided for by the Municipal Strategy on Climate Emergency at the budgetary level and 2) Identify the potential for new revenues or cost savings for the City to finance the implementation of the strategy.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) diagnostic

For the company Caragnano SA, 2022

As part of the support program for Geneva companies “Diagnosis-Action” of the Economic Development, Research and Innovation Service (DG DERI), ecosys examined CSR relevancy and practices of the company according to ISO 26000 guidelines in order to help the implementation of a CSR approach.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) diagnostic

For the company LP Lapidaires SA, 2022

As part of the support program for Geneva companies “Diagnosis-Action” of the Economic Development, Research and Innovation Service (DG DERI), ecosys examined CSR relevancy and practices of the company according to ISO 26000 guidelines in order to help the implementation of a CSR approach.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) diagnostic

For the company Kugler Bimetal SA, 2022

As part of the support program for Geneva companies “Diagnosis-Action” of the Economic Development, Research and Innovation Service (DG DERI), ecosys examined CSR relevancy and practices of the company according to ISO 26000 guidelines in order to help the implementation of a CSR approach.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) diagnostic

For the company Top Jeux SA, 2022

As part of the support program for Geneva companies “Diagnosis-Action” of the Economic Development, Research and Innovation Service (DG DERI), ecosys examined CSR relevancy and practices of the company according to ISO 26000 guidelines in order to help the implementation of a CSR approach.

Formulation of sustainability indicators

For the DG DERI (State of Geneva), 2022

Ecosys supports the formulation of result and performance indicators for the measures of the Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation (DG DERI) in terms of sustainability and ecological transition.

Green Growth Strategic Framework (GGSF)

For the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2022

Ecosys is coordinating the setup of Uzbekistan’s green growth strategic framework (GGSF) with national consultants and different donor organisations and is helping establish its content.

Green and circular economy advisory

For the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2021

ecosys is setting up and delivering a green and circular economy training in Malawi. This training is given to UNDP staff members, to the government, as well as to the private sector key industries.

CSR audit and concept for the CCIG

For the Chamber of Commerce of Geneva (CCIG), 2021

ecosys is auditing the CCIG on its CSR practices and setting priorities in terms of actions. Support is then offered to the organisation in designing a sustainability concept and implementing actions.

Consulting for the company Charles Zuber for the RJC certification

For the company Charles Zuber in Geneva, 2019

ecosys is accompanying the company through the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) certification process, which consists of an assessment of the company processes in regards to the RJC requirements, the development of an action plan as well as its execution.

Building a technical and financial tool (photovoltaic projects)

For the solar cooperative “OptimaSolar – La Côte”, 2018

Conducted on a voluntary basis, the development of this analytical tool aimed to identify the financial sustainability of the future photovoltaic solar panels installations of the cooperative by identifying key economic (NPV, TRI, return time) and environmental (externalities) indicators.

Consulting for the company SC Polissage for the RJC certification

For the company SC Polissage in La Chaux-de-Fonds, 2018

ecosys is accompanying the company through the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) certification process, which consists of an assessment of the company processes in regards to the RJC requirements, the development of an action plan as well as its execution.

Monitoring of “EcoParks” in Geneva

For the Industrial Land Foundation (FTI) of Geneva, 2017

This project, carried out in partnership with Sofiès, Maneco, Avis Vert and Izypeo, aims to contribute to the improvement of the performance and efficiency of ecoParks in Geneva by following the strategic pillars of the FTI.

Consulting for the company Régence Production for the RJC certification

For the company Régence Production in Geneva, 2016

ecosys is accompanying the company through the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) certification process, which consists of an assessment of the company processes in regards to the RJC requirements, the development of an action plan as well as its execution.

Corporate and social responsibility audit (CSR) at Opal Créations

For the company Opal Créations in La Chaux de Fonds, 2015

This audit report is an analysis of the CSR process in place at the company “Opal Créations SA”, a luxury subcontractor in the watch industry. The analysis is based on a tailor-made methodology. The report highlights development possibilities and practical recommendation for implementing sustainability tools in the company’s business.

Economical valuation of the emblematic social and environmental actions of the cement sector in Morocco

For the professional cement association (APC) in Morocco, 2014

This project aims to analyse and value in monetary terms the emblematic – social and environnemental – actions taken by the cement sector in Morocco. Results were presented and validated at the annual cement convention, which took place in Rabat in June 2014.

Economical valuation of the costs of environmental damages of the cement industry, 2013 update

For the cement association in Morocco (APC), 2014

This project updates and completes the MESO analysis of the moroccan cement sector and examines the emblematic measures taken by the sector. The results were presented and validated at the annual cement Convention (APC) in Rabat in June 2014.

Green job program for the youth

For the UNDP and the Tunisian government, 2013

This program, initiated by UNDP in partnership with the Tunisian government, aims to improve the employability of young people through better access to technical, vocational and entrepreneurial training opportunities in the areas of green economy.


Economical valuation of the costs of environmental damages of the cement sector in Morocco, update 2008 and 2012 forecast

For the professional cement association in Morocco (APC), 2009

This project updates and completes the MESO analysis of the cement sector in Morocco. Results are presented and validated at the annual cement Convention in Fès in June 2009.