Environmental policies

Contribution to the Regulation on Solar Energy (Ren)

For the cantonal energy office of Geneva (OCEN), ongoing

In partnership with Planair, ecosys is examining the content of the future application regulation for the solar power legislation.

Prospective analysis “construction tax and funds”

For the general directorate of the environment (DGE) of the canton of vaud, ongoing

The introduction of a construction tax as well as subsidizing and support measures by the fund in the construction sector form the scope of analysis of this mandate.


Study on the energy crisis

For the Geneva Cantonal Bank (BCGE) and the Chamber of Commerce (CCIG), 2024

Study on the energy crisis and its challenges for the Geneva economy, in partnership with the University of Geneva (IREG) and the HEG (available here).

Life cycle analysis (LCA) notebook

For the Genie.ch network, 2024

ecosys has written, on behalf of the Genie.ch network, a notebook on the subject of life cycle analyzes (LCA) – available here.

PACT’Matière support mandate

For the cantonal office of the environment, the direction of the agglomeration project and the department of employment and the economy, 2024

The general objective of the mandate, carried out in partnership with David Martin, is to support the “Greater Geneva Circular” working group (GGC) in the construction of the PACT’Matière, by prioritizing a series of actions that are both ambitious and achievable.

Thermic potential of Geneva

For the cantonal energy office of Geneva (OCEN), 2024

In partnership with Planair, ecosys aims to identify in this study the renewable thermic potential (in particular from biomass) of the canton of Geneva. The study aims to model prospective multi-energy scenarios.

NDC enhancement and green recovery

For the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2023

The project aims at assessing opportunities to leverage NDC enhancement processes to guide Green Recovery, through an in-depth analysis of existing tools and the formulation of a step-by step guidance framework and supporting web-platform.

Financing the ecological transition of Greater Geneva

For the Department of Territory (DT) of the Canton of Geneva, ongoing

The main objective of the mandate – carried out with the french consulting firm “Transitions” – is to support the authorities of Greater Geneva in the process of evaluating new (or reinforced) financial mechanisms that should make it possible to contribute to the financing of ecological transition actions and measures.

Waste treatment (costs and management)

For the town of Fribourg, 2023

This study aims at estimating the costs and revenues of waste treatment for the city of Fribourg. The study, carried out in partnership with biol conseil SA, also aims to identify new waste management options.

Workshop – Communal energy and climate plan (PECC)

For the municipality of Crans-Près-Céligny, 2023

On behalf of Bio Eco, ecosys held a participatory citizen workshop on the solar photovoltaic potential of the municipality of Crans, as part of the development of its communal energy and climate plan (PECC).

Solar cooperative project

For the renewable energy and resource efficiency promotion fund (REPIC), ongoing

The project, implemented with Chilean based consulting partner EBP, aims to setup a solar cooperative model in an “energy poverty” area of Chile. The project aims to improve access to renewable energy for vulnerable populations.

Economic and financial potential of the municipal strategy on climate emergency

For the Agenda 21 service and the Department of Finance, Environment and Housing (DFEL) of the City of Geneva, 2022

The purpose of this mandate is to: 1) Estimate the costs of inaction and expected co-benefits of the key measures provided for by the Municipal Strategy on Climate Emergency at the budgetary level and 2) Identify the potential for new revenues or cost savings for the City to finance the implementation of the strategy.

Formulation of sustainability indicators

For the DG DERI (State of Geneva), 2022

Ecosys supports the formulation of result and performance indicators for the measures of the Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation (DG DERI) in terms of sustainability and ecological transition.

Green Growth Strategic Framework (GGSF)

For the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2022

Ecosys is coordinating the setup of Uzbekistan’s green growth strategic framework (GGSF) with national consultants and different donor organisations and is helping establish its content.

Renewable energy potential

For the cantonal energy office of Geneva (OCEN), 2021

In partnership with Planair, ecosys aims to identify in this study the renewable energy potential of the canton of Geneva. The study aims in particular to identify the economic dimensions of these energies (costs, business model) and to model prospective multi-energy scenarios.

Socio-economic impact analysis

For the Industrial Services of Geneva (SIG), 2021

This analysis aims to understand the socio-economic impact of the services provided by the Geneva Industrial Services (SIG) activity, at the level of the canton of Geneva. It studies the direct and indirect economic effects (multiplier effect), as well as the external benefits.

Green and circular economy advisory

For the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2021

ecosys is setting up and delivering a green and circular economy training in Malawi. This training is given to UNDP staff members, to the government, as well as to the private sector key industries.

Study of carbon sequestration in soils

For the Federal Environmental Office (OFEV), 2021

In response to Bourgeois postulate 19.3639, the economic aspects of carbon sequestration in soils are being studied within the framework of this scientific review. This study is done in partnership with the Haute Ecole de Gestion (HEG) of Geneva.

Biennial climate report

For the United Nations’ Development Program (UNDP), 2021

ecosys is accompanying the different stakeholders (administration, citizens’ associations) in the formulation of the third national communication (TCN) and Algeria’s first biennial report to the UNFCCC (BUR).

Car scrapping scheme and incentive system

For the Global Climate Partnership Fund (GCPF), 2020

In partnership with Sofies, the World Resource Forum and Green Energy, ecosys is working on a scrapping mechanism at the peruvian national level. Particular focus is given to the economic incentive setting.

Study on conservation agriculture

For the department of sustainable development of Canton Geneva, 2020

ecosys, along with the HEG and HEPIA are studying the development of so-called conservation agriculture and its CO2 sequestration potential, as well as financement options.

Building a technical and financial tool (photovoltaic projects)

For the solar cooperative “OptimaSolar – La Côte”, 2018

Conducted on a voluntary basis, the development of this analytical tool aimed to identify the financial sustainability of the future photovoltaic solar panels installations of the cooperative by identifying key economic (NPV, TRI, return time) and environmental (externalities) indicators.

Geneva climat change plan

For the Department of sustainable development of canton Geneva, 2018

This report aims to assess the impact of climate change on the Geneva canton scale and sets an action plan to mitigate it – ecosys was in charge of the economic analysis of the report.

Feasibility study assessment of the PAV industrial waste disposal site

For the Industrial Land Foundation (FTI) of Geneva, 2018

In collaboration with Maneco, this study aims to assess the financial situation of the creation of a waste disposal site in Geneva (Praille-Acacias-Vernets area), according to several variants.

National Climat Plan (NCP) for Algeria

For the GIZ and the Algerian Ministry of environment and renewable energy (MREE), 2018

The NCP aims to list the climate change impacts on the national economy and society (as well as its vulnerability to these changes). Plans, programs and policies regarding climate change, as well as implementation conditions and monitoring are updated in accordance with the Paris Agreements (COP 2015) in this study.

National sustainable development and environment Strategy and Action Plan in Algeria (PNAE-DD)

For the Environmental and Renewable Energy Ministry in Algeria (MREE), 2018

This report aims to assess the costs of environmental damages in Algeria and to establish priority measures in relation to the national strategy for the environment and sustainable development (SNEDD) 2017-2035, in collaboration with the german cooperation (GIZ).

Monitoring of “EcoParks” in Geneva

For the Industrial Land Foundation (FTI) of Geneva, 2017

This project, carried out in partnership with Sofiès, Maneco, Avis Vert and Izypeo, aims to contribute to the improvement of the performance and efficiency of ecoParks in Geneva by following the strategic pillars of the FTI.

Heading towards an ecological tax system, pilot study

For the Direction of the Environment of the State of Geneva, 2017

The aim of this study, carried out in partnership with the Geneva Business School (HEG), is to carry out an inventory of existing air protection taxes in Geneva and to rethink the economic incentives that cause adverse effects on air quality. The external costs associated with air pollution in Geneva are also quantified.

Benefits assessment of the Rubaya “green village”

For the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2017

This study aims to examine the economic, social and environmental benefits of the “green village” that is Rubaya (Rwanda), as well as the possible benefits of further replication of the project (link to the study via the poverty and environment initiative website).

Analysis of the FEDEP and its financing

For the GIZ and the Ministry of environment and planification, 2016

The study aims to assess the situation of environmental protection and its financing in Algeria. It also aims to identify restructuration possibilities of the Environmental and Industrial Pollution Remediation Trust Fund (FEDEP), as well as potential financial resources for this Trust.

Instruments and suggestions for environmental fiscality in Burkina Faso

For the UNDP and the UNEP Poverty and Environment Initiative, 2016

With the help of GRADD Ouagadougou, this study formulates a new environmental fiscality proposition in order to support the SCAD objectives (growth and sustainability strategy).

Study for the development on economical instruments for environmental protection on a national scale

For the Ministry delegated to the Environment in Morocco (MdE), 2015

This study aims to identify new financing sources for the National Funds for the Environment (FNE). Advantages and disadvantages, acceptability and feasibility, as well as social, economical and environmental impacts of the different instruments are analyzed.

National Climat Plan (NCP) for Algeria

For the GIZ and the Ministry of environment and planification, 2014

The NCP aims to list the climate change impacts on the national economy and society (as well as its vulnerability to these changes). Plans, programs and policies regarding climate change, as well as implementation conditions and monitoring are set in this study.

Study on setting up an environmental accounting system in Morocco

For the Ministry delegated to the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment in charge of the Environment, 2014

The main objectif of the study (written in partnership with sba) is to formulate a strategy for setting up an environmental accounting system in Morocco. It specifies the priority actions and process (governance) for implementing such a tool.

Economical analysis of the environmental damages of rice production in Mali

For the UNDP and the UNEP2014

Economical analysis of the environmental damages of rice production in Mali.

Economic and environmental analysis of the olive oil and artisanal sector

For the Energy, Mining, Water and Environmental Ministry of Morocco2014

Assessing the cost of environmental damages and the remediation measures of the olive oil and tannery sectors. This meso-economic study of the environment aims to establish a strategy and action plan supporting the economical development strategy as well as the environmental performances of these sectors.

Economical assessment of the degradation caused by chemical in the coton and gold sectors in Burkina Faso

For the UNEP and the UNDP2014

Economical assessment of the degradation caused by chemical in the coton and gold sectors in Burkina Faso.

National sustainable development and environment Strategy and Action Plan in Algeria (PNAE-DD), 2013 update

For the Environmental Ministry in Algeria (MATE), 2013

Assessing the costs of environmental damages in Algeria and of their remediation, establishing priority measure in order to formulate a National Strategy (in collaboration with the german cooperation – GIZ).

Swiss navigation account: feasibility analysis and pilot account

For the Federal Office of Statistics and the Federal Office for Territorial Development2013

Estimate of the internal and external costs and revenues of the swiss navigation. This pilot account is to be integrated in the swiss transportation account (now renamed “Costs and financing of transports in Switzerland”).

Environmental Economic Analysis of Natural Resources Management In Mozambique, Links between poverty and environment in Mozambique

For the UNEP and the UNDP2012

Analysis at the national level and case studies on the agriculture, fishery and health sectors, in partnership with sba.

Economical valuation of the environmental impacts of the economy in Burkina Faso: Gold sector and cotton production

For the UNDP and the UNEP2011

Economical valuation of the environmental impacts of the economy in Burkina Faso, in collaboration with sba: gold sector and cotton production.

Sustainable development indicators

For the Algerian Department in charge of planification and prospective, 2011

In collaboration with François Levarlet of T33, and under the auspice of the EU, this project aims to develop sustainable development indicators for Algeria.

Economical valuation of costs and benefits of environmental management in Mauritania, application to water, fishing and farming resources

For the UNEP and UNDP (Poverty-Environment Initiative)2010

Combined to a strategical environnemental assessment, this analysis on the fishing, farming and water sectors aims to raise awareness and enable decision making.

Economical valuation of the costs of environmental damages and of the benefits of a sustainable management of natural ressources in Mali

For the UNEP and the UNDP (Poverty-Environment Initiative)2009

Monetary valuation of environmental damages and remediation in Mali. The redistributive aspects of the reduction of environmental damages are stressed. The study aims to elaborate a series of recommendation for environmental policy making.

Ecological fiscal reform project in Morocco

For the Secretary of State in charge of water and environment, 2007

These studies and analysis identify current environmental protection instruments and potential new sources (principles, reforms, etc.). Studies in Canton Vaud (Switzerland) and in Morocco were written in collaboration with the specialist in fiscal law Prof. Xavier Oberson (Lawyer Study Oberson Avocats in Geneva).

Climate change : impacts on the Tunisian economy and adaptation strategy for the agricultural sector and natural resources

For the german cooperation (GTZ), 2006

Elaborating a national adaptation strategy for Tunisian agriculture and for ecosystems to climate changes.

National strategy and action plan for the environment and for sustainable development in Algeria (PNAE-DD)

For the Algerian Ministry of environment and for the World Bank1997-2001

In collaboration with the german GTZ (current GIZ), this report assesses the costs of environmental damages and their remedy in Algeria. The report states priority measures and formulates an environmental protection plan.

Quantitative estimate of agricultural externalities in Switzerland

For the Federal Office of Agriculture (OFAG), Berne2000

Quantitative estimate of agricultural externalities in Switzerland using benefit transfers. The analysis also examines agricultural impacts on social norms and the free contribution of nature which agriculture values (emternalities).

Ecological fiscality project in Algeria

For the Algerian Ministry of Environment (MATE), 1999, 2001, 2002

These projects aimed to develop the ecological fiscal tools in Algeria.

Ecological fiscality in canton Vaud (Switzerland)

For the Département of infrastructures1999

This project aims to develop ecological fiscal tools in canton Vaud (Switzerland).

Project SAKO-I, economic and satellite accounts of the primary sector

For the Federal Office for Statistics1998-1999

Developing environmental accounting for the primary sector in Switzerland.